Freight Forwarding- Middle est- China- Europe
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Noon/Amazon Service- Appointment delivery – Fulfillment
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Frequently Asked Question
Do you charge any subscription Fee or any upfront amount to open the account?
Do you accept manual order receiving or only through Integration?
Do you accept integration with our Woocommerce/Shopify E-commerce Store?
Can you do the integration on our behalf and do you charge anything ?
Why do you handle Product outsourcing service?
DO you have warehouse in China? if we need fulfillment there?
Do you provide Lastmile service with COD orders in Middle Est?
In how many countries do you have warehouses so we can do our Business?
in how many other countries rather than GCC you provide this service?
Do You provide Freight service including custom clearance? if we do not have any document?
Can you deliver our Noon & Amazon Shipment in Saudi & UAE with handling of return?
Do you provide Fulfillment for Noon & Amazon and are you authorized?
How can we track our inventory from multiple countries at the same time?
How do you handle/Transfer our COD and what is the cycle time for it? Is there any tracking of it?
Do you provide any portal where we can track & monitor our Orders, Inventory & COD?
What is your standard delivery time in Tier-1 & Villages?
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